The Economic Analysis of Terrorism
Tilman Brück
Not Available
Arms Trade and Economic Development
Jurgen Brauer and 1 more
Economic Theories of Peace and War
Fanny Coulomb
The Economics of Defence Policy
Keith Hartley
The Economics of UN Peacekeeping
Nadège University of Grenoble and 1 more
The Arms Trade, Security and Conflict
Paul University of Surrey and 1 more
Defence Procurement and Industry Policy
Stefan Markowski
The Economics of Offsets
Stephen Martin
European Armaments Collaboration
Ron Matthews
Exploding the Myth?
Derek Braddon
Military Cost–Benefit Analysis
Francois Melese
The Economics of Regional Security
Military Cost-Benefit Analysis
F Melese and 2 more
Analytical Peace Economics
Partha Gangopadhyay and 1 more
The Economics of the Global Defence Industry
Military Spending and Global Security
Jordi Calvo Rufanges
The Economics of International Security
Marek Louzek
Economic Development and Post Conflict Reconstruction
Jomana Amara